Head of the Department of Bacteriology and Parasitology,
Mr. Oliver Radanović, vet.spec.
Phone: 011 2850909
Fax: 011 1096
e-mail: radanovic.oliver@gmail.com


The main activity of the Department is the diagnosis of bacterial and parasitic diseases of domestic and wild animals, including anthropozoonoses (bacterial and parasitic).

Scientific and research activity is realized through participation in international and national projects and cooperation with related institutions in the country and abroad.

The activity of the department takes place in two laboratories: the bacteriology laboratory and the parasitology laboratory.


Bacteriology Laboratory

Mr. Oliver Radanović, vet.spec.
Phone: 011 2850909
Fax: 011 2851096
e-mail: radanovic.oliver@gmail.com
Areas of work :
  • Diagnostics of animal diseases of bacterial etiology
  • Monitoring the sensitivity of isolated bacterial cultures to antimicrobial agents
  • Research on the effectiveness and safety of experimental, autochthonous vaccines intended for immunoprophylaxis of infections of the respiratory and digestive tracts of pigs and cattle
  • Preparation of diagnostics for certain laboratory tests
  • Participation in the development and implementation of animal health protection programs
  • Participation in scientific research projects and cooperation with other institutions in scientific and professional research

Main activities :

  • Bacteriological analyzes of samples of animal origin, namely:
  • ∙ organs of animals after post-mortem examination
  • ∙ swabs (nasal, rectal, cervico-vaginal, etc.)
  • ∙ milk for the presence of the causative agent of mastitis
  • ∙ semen and preputial washes
  • ∙ blood, urine, feces, skin, wool, etc.
  • Diagnosis of a number of bacterial diseases:
  • pasteurellosis
  • campylobacteriosis
  • actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
  • colibacillosis
  • salmonellosis
  • listeriosis
  • red wind
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal infections
  • infections caused by anaerobic bacteria
  • and other significant bacterial infections of animals
  • Identification and typing of isolated bacterial cultures using classic and modern biochemical identification systems (API, BBL Crystal, Slidex kit, etc.)
  • Diagnosis of certain bacterial diseases using PCR
  • Testing the sensitivity of isolated bacterial cultures to antibiotics using the disk diffusion method (antibiogram) and determining the minimum inhibitory concentrations (E-test)
  • Serological typing of E. coli bacteria
  • Serological typing of salmonella bacteria
  • Monitoring the presence of the causative agents of significant bacterial zoonoses (E. coli O157H7, Streptococcus suis, MRSA, etc.) in clinical samples


Parasitology Laboratory

Dr. sci. Vet. honey Ivan Pavlović, scientific advisor
Phone: 011 2850909
Fax: 011 2851096


Areas of work :

  • Diagnostic tests:
  • coprological diagnostics by methods of sedimentation, flotation and native preparations
  • Cultivation of pathogens (protozoa, helminths)
  • hematological examinations for blood parasites (babezia, ehrlichia, etc.) and filaria
  • immunological diagnosis of Ehrlichia canis and Leischmania spp .
  • dermatological examinations for scabies, demodicosis, myiasis and other ectoparasitic infections
  • entomological examinations and determination of arthropods and insects
  • examination of green areas and soil for the presence of eggs/oocysts of parasites and ticks
  • identification of adult and developmental forms of protozoa, arthropods and helminths by morphometry, and paramphistomids by histological technique
  • parasitological examination of the meat of mammals, birds and fish for the presence of parasites (trichinosis, berry disease, anisakis, kudo, toxoplasma, etc.)
  • examination of bees and bee brood for parasites
  • developing a program of therapy, suppression and eradication of diseases of parasitic etiology


Categories: Departments-1