
  1. The World Poultry Congress (WPC) was held from 5 until 9 2016, in Beijing, China. The congress is organized by the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA-CN) and the Chinese Association of Veterinary Medicine (CAAV). This is the most important global event in the science and industry of poultry with a tradition of over 100 years. The congress was focused on scientific achievements and development of poultry production technology, and hosted 51 invited lecturers who presented the latest achievements, technologies and experiences in the field of poultry farming. The theme of WPC2016 was “Quality and Safety: Meeting Human Needs”. The Scientific Program covered all areas of scientific research work in industrial poultry, including health and disease, genetics and selection, nutrition and nutrients, welfare and environmental control, waste management, production systems, egg quality and safety, meat quality and safety, biotechnology and reproduction, marketing and education. The Congress was attended by over 3,000 participants, including professors, researchers, students, farmers and industrial experts from all continents. Researchers from the Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia, Dr. sci.vet.med. Dobrila Jakić-Dimić and Dr. sci.vet.med. Danka Maslić-Strižak, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade, Dr. sci.vet.med. Dragan Šefer, and in addition to the presentation of works, numerous contacts were made with representatives of other countries and continued cooperation was agreed upon.

















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