• Isolation and identification of Salmonellae species
  • Presence of the causative agent of American plague of bee brood (microscopic, isolation, identification)
  • Complete aerobic testing of materials
  • Complete anaerobic testing of materials
  • Complete micro aerophilic testing of materials
  • Identification and typing of bacteria – classic
  • Identification and typing of bacteria – agglutination
  • Identification and typing of bacteria – API A
  • Identification and typing of bacteria – API E
  • Identification and typing of bacteria – API system
  • Antibiogram-for aerobes
  • Antibiogram – for anaerobes
  • Bacteriological examination of milk for mastitis (ZPV)
  • Bacteriological examination of TB
  • Bacteriological examination – swabs
  • Bacteriological examination – sperm – sperm culture – uterine mucus
  • Determination of the total number of aerobic microorganisms in seeds
  • Bacteriological examination – urine – urine culture
  • BBL Crystal
  • Bacteriological examination – feces
  • Bacteriological examination – bees
  • Blood culture – aerobic
  • Blood culture – anaerobic
  • Isolation and determination of fungi and molds
  • Bacteriological examination for anthrax
  • Bacteriological examination of eggs and embryonated eggs
  • Identification of Listeria monocytogenes
  • Isolation and identification of Pasteurella species