У оквиру Централног завода основан је Државни завод за производњу ветеринарских цепива и лекова (Државни ветсерум завод), како би се покренула производња биолошких и хемо-фармацеутских препарата
The special edition of the EFSA magazine on the third scientific conference “Science, Food, Society” (Parma, September 18-21, 2018) is now available for download at the following link: https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/18314732 /2019/17/S1 Presentations with 10. of the Read more…
From 1. In October of this year, the state will abolish vaccination against classical swine fever (Swine Fever), the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed to Tanjug. By the end of the week, a rulebook should be Read more…